PL mothafockin O
dahornnn, Dec 28 2009
ok so ive started playing again, after a friendly christmas loan from my residential hero apollo, im grinding up from $20 playing PLO NL2having some q nice results sat on about 80 right now, anyone know of any good PLO books to read or coaching videos to watch ? I've read most of the stuff at pokerstrategy and i dont really know where to look so hence why im asking here
my bro is also back from afghanistan for two weeks so gunna be nice to chill out with him before he goes back to ze war.
Thanks in advance if anyone helps, appreciate it and glgl lp and hope you all had/having good holidays
Ongame designed to tilt?
dahornnn, Oct 12 2009
Ok so im 1/4 thru clearing my bonus and it just feels that this stuff is designed to tilt haha the best is when someone calls your bluff and the red timer ticks 3 times then shows your beat after you think youve won and fistpumped n shit.
Anyways the players here are horrid yet im still an idiot that sometimes donks around in HU plo out of my roll for sure.
Anyways just getting my thoughts out as its 2:20 am, got to be up at 8 for college and will probably go bed around 4-6 cos im a degen retard when it comes to sleep & college
ill post graphs n shit later mebbe
ps anyone know how to get ongame hands out of PT3 text hh to work on this site? wont work on hands ive tried :S
pz lp 
for those who do or dont give a sh*t, here is my graph
Notice how sh*t it is running on 20bi trying to move up and this happens lol 
if anyone would be kind enough to sweat a sesh sometime id be greatful 
The new Propaganda
dahornnn, Oct 07 2009
Well ive played a bit on it today after coming back to play and actually trying to improve etc, the quality on the nl10 tables is absurd as i stacked someone earlier on a 8 3 2cc board with a jc turn (120bb stack or so) and he calls with..... k2o and loads of fishhhhhhhies which is always good.
Anyways ill try keep my progress updated as the bonuses also seem quite easy to clear.
What do people who have played on the software think, i personally think the software is the most tilting peice of shit ever, but then you see the how shit everyone is its like karma?
and how fishy does Da_Punisha99 sound :D
pz gl lp
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